Types of Puja, How Many Steps Involved and What Puja Samagri Should You Use?

Dec 25, 2022 | Puja Guidance

Many people wonder which type of Puja one should be performing at home? How many types of Puja are prescribed in Sanatan Dharma?

According to the Sanatan Hindu Shastras, we worship God for fulfilling our desires (‘Sakaam’)  or selflessly (‘Nishkaam’).

But the paraphernalia to be used depends on the type of Puja one chooses to perform.  One can choose the type depending upon their ability based on place and time. We list below the types of Puja available as per the scriptures.

Please note that the goal here is not to provide the actual mantras of the offerings under each of the types of Puja but to just provide the basic introduction of each type and steps involved in each type.

Panchopachaar Puja (पंचोपचार पूजा)

This is the basic one that most people follow in daily Puja rituals at home in which five items are offered to the God. The five items are listed as below:

  1. गंध (fragrance)
  2. पुष्प (flowers)
  3. धूप (Dhoop)
  4. दीप (Ghee Lamp/Deep/Diya)
  5. नैवेद्य (Naivedya – Sweets, Fruits etc.) 


Dashopachaar Puja (दश उपचार पूजा )

This is a more elaborate 10-step offering performed at special occasions in which ten items are offered to the God. The 10 items and steps under Dashopachaar Puja are listed as below:

  1. पाद्य (Paadya) – Washing of feet
  2. अर्घ्य (Arghya) –water with flower patels etc.
  3. स्नान (Snaan) –shower
  4. मधुपर्क (Madhupark) – Panchaamrit
  5. आचमन (Aachman)
  6. गंध (fragrance)
  7. पुष्प (flowers)
  8. धूप (Dhoop)
  9. दीप (Ghee Lamp/Deep/Diya)
  10. नैवेद्य (Naivedya – Sweets, Fruits etc.) 


Shodashopachaar Puja (षोडशोपचार पूजा )

This is the most commonly known special puja for special occasions where 16-step puja is performed. The 16 items and steps under Shodshopachaar Puja are listed as below:

  1. आवाहन (Aawaahan) – Requesting Arrival
  2. स्थापन (Sthaapan) – Offering seat
  3. पाद्य (Paadya) – Washing of feet
  4. अर्घ्य (Arghya) –Water with flower patels etc.
  5. स्नान (Snaan) – Shower
  6. वस्त्र (Vastra) – Clothes
  7. आभूषण (Aabhooshan) – Jewelry
  8. गंध (fragrance)
  9. पुष्प (flowers)
  10. धूप (Dhoop)
  11. दीप (Ghee Lamp/Deep/Diya)
  12. नैवेद्य (Naivedya – Sweets, Fruits etc.) 
  13. आचमन (Aachman) – Drinking water
  14. ताम्बूल (Taambool) – Paan Patta/Betel Leaves
  15. पुष्पहार (Pushpahaar) – Garland of flowers
  16. आरती (Aarti) – Ghee Lamp Aarti


In addition to the above there are a few more type of Puja that are even more elaborate such as Ekvinshati Upachaar Puja (एकविंशति उपचार पूजा)in which twenty one steps are followed and then there is another one with thirty steps known as Trinshopachaar Puja (त्रिंशोपचार पूजा). Sanatan Shastras also mention of Rajopachaar Puja (राजोपचार पूजा) which is only to be performed by kings since it involves Ratha, Army and other things that only Kings could afford.

How to Procure Pure (Shuddh) Puja Items to Perform Proper Puja

In the world today where profit is everything and where mass production of items for everything has taken a sever toll on the quality, finding pure items to offer during Puja has become a daily challenge for a common Hindu Sanatani who wants to perform Puja properly with pure items as prescribed in Sanatan Shastras.

Whether you are doing Panchopachaar Puja or Shodashopachaar Puja, how do you ensure that the item you are buying is pure, has been prepared using Vedic principles for offering in your Puja?

Based on our experience and expertise we have acquired in the pursuit of ensuring quality of items we prepare for Puja offerings, here are some recommendations:


This is for you to sit to perform your Puja. The best type of recommended Aasana is the Kusha Aasana. You can get it from our store made up of pure Kusha procured from India. Or, you could also use a woolen Aasana (aka. blanket). Preferred color of cloth to put on your Aasana is red.

स्थापन (Sthaapan)

How you perform this step depends on how your Purohit (or you, if you know what you’re doing). But usually, people use plates for this purpose. If you need a plate for this step, please get a proper Brass or Copper plate and use it only for Puja purposes.

पाद्य (Paadya)

 For this, you only need fresh water, and Gangajal if possible.

अर्घ्य (Arghya) and स्नान (Snaan)

For this step as well you only need fresh water and/or Gangajal.

वस्त्र (Vastra) – Clothes

Fresh clothes. Just ensure to buy from a place that ensures purity in terms of sourcing of the items. Buy only from the places and people where Sanatan Hindu Traditions are respected and followed.

आभूषण (Aabhooshan) – Jewelry

This is the step where you offer Jeqwelry to God. Just as clothes, you only need to ensure to buy from a place that ensures purity in terms of sourcing of the items. Buy only from the places and people where Sanatan Hindu Traditions are respected and followed.

गंध (fragrance)

Same as Vastra and Aabhooshan. Chandan based fragrance is the best. Buy pure fragrance prepared for the purpose of offering in Puja. If you trust the seller, buy.

पुष्प (flowers) and 

You can get flowers from any Florist you trust. Since this is for offering to God, buy from a place that ensures purity in terms of sourcing of the items. Buy only from the places and people where Sanatan Hindu Traditions are respected and followed.

धूप (Dhoop) and पुष्पहार (Pushpahaar) 

Never buy Agarbatti. Offering Agarbatti in this step will produce negative results of your Puja which is against the entire purpose of the Puja itself. Therefore, ensure that you only use Dhoop. Using cow dung, you can prepare your own dhoop or buy from someone you trust. We, at Devarpan, prepare Pure Dhoop just for this purpose. you can buy our Dhoop and use in your Puja for peace of mind knowing that the Dhoop you use in your Puja is pure and fragrant.

दीप (Deep/Diya) and आरती (Aarti) – Ghee Lamp Aarti

Ghee is another important aspect of any Sanatan Hindu Puja ritual and the hardest thing to get in today’s world anywhere. Scriptures clearly say that the Ghee you use in Puja must be made up of the milk produced by Indian cows and it must be prepared using Vedic methods of preparing Ghee.

Unfortunatelyhas, most Ghee available in market is produced by Non-Indian cows and then even not prepared properly.

To solve this problem, Devarpan has partnered with Gaushaalaas and small scale Ghee producers in Indian villages and we procure the Ghee that follows Vedic traditions. We only offer such Ghee in our store. Our Ghee is not cheap. But you can rest assured that the Ghee you use in your Puja, is pure!

नैवेद्य  (Naivedya – Sweets, Fruits etc.) 

Prepare this in your home if possible. If you must buy, then buy from a place that ensures purity in terms of sourcing of the items. Buy only from the places and people where Sanatan Hindu Traditions are respected and followed.

आचमन (Aachman) – Drinking water

You only need pure drinking water for this and/or Gangajal.

ताम्बूल (Taambool) – Paan Patta/Betel Leaves

Buy fresh Betel leaves from a seller you trust if you don’t have the plant in your backyard.


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