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Types Havan Kund/Yagya Kunda Based on Purpose of Anushthaan

Types Havan Kund/Yagya Kunda Based on Purpose of Anushthaan

Havan or Homa is one of the most ancient Sacred Fire rituals in Hinduism being performed since the Vedic era in order to invoke the powerful energies of the Divine. Havan is also performed to seek blessings with a special offering to the Agni Devata while chanting the Sanskrit mantras. We discuss the types of Havan or Yagya Kunds available based on the purpose.

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Aasana for Saadhna – Which Aasana is Good for Daily Puja Paath

Aasana for Saadhna – Which Aasana is Good for Daily Puja Paath

Aasana to sit for Puja, is one of the must-have items for any kind of Saadhna (any spiritual practice). You should never just sit directly on the bare floor while performing spiritual practices as it dissipates all of your energy grounding it downward into the earth. Sitting on the bare floor yields the exact opposite results than what we are intending.

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How to Identify A Real, Natural Shankh or Chonch Shell

How to Identify A Real, Natural Shankh or Chonch Shell

This is a common question when we are shopping for Shankh for using it during daily Aarti or when we are shopping for Dakshinawarti Shankh for keeping it in our home temple. But with so much of fake, manufactured Shankh being sold around us, how do we know what we are buying is a real, natural Shankh or is an artificially manufactured one? We try to get some answers for you.

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Types of Samidha (Lakadi/Kaashth) for Havan in Navagraha Yagya/Yagna

Types of Samidha (Lakadi/Kaashth) for Havan in Navagraha Yagya/Yagna

Navagraha Havan or Graha Shanti Havan is performed to appease all the nine Grahas and reduce the malefic effects of the planets in one’s life. The nine planets control each aspect of every people’s life and it has the power to change lives in an instant. This post is to help you understand the nine types of wood that are required to perform Navagraha Yagya (Yagna) Hawan.

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