Satvik Sourced Samagri for Perfect Puja & Yagya

About Us

Our story

How it all started

For a Sanatani Hindu, being able to get Puja items in time for the intended Anushthaan, Yagya or any festival can be painful in the USA. And if one needs to perform a Yagya with purity, finding Puja/Hawan Samagri can be excruciating to say the least.

The team ‘Dhiti’ decided to be the problem solver and started Devarpan as a project to bring a platform to provide Puja/Havan/Yagya Samagri with a purity that is expected in all Vedic and Tantrik Sanatani rituals. From procurement to delivery, we ensure the highest quality of our products.







Items Sold


Puja Items

सुखस्य मूलं धर्म:। धर्मस्य मूलं अर्थ:।

अर्थस्य मूलं राज्स्य। राज्स्य मूलं इन्द्रियजय:।


धर्म एव हतो हन्ति,धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः|

 तस्माद्धर्मो न हन्तव्यो,मा नो धर्मो हतोऽवधीत् ||

Our Motto

Service to man is Service to God

Our motto is to serve our customers in an honest manner, enabling them to have access to Puja Samagri sourced from Satvik sources. We get our Puja items sourced from Ashrams, Gaushalas with indigenous Indian (Desi) cows where Vedic practices are followed and all paraphernalia is prepared according to the recommendations of the Vedic Shastras (scriptures).

Ensure Highest Quality of Samatri

As indicated in our motto, one of our primary goal is to ensure that all items we provide are not just pure for Puja, but they are also prepared as per the scriptures by Satvik people.

Authentic products at Reasonable Prices

While we ensure the quality of the items we sell, we do it with the intent to keep the prices as reasonable as possible so that more of our customers can benefit from our efforts. We achieve this by sourcing our product directly from small scale manufacturers after vetting the quality standards of the product sold.

Serve Dharma through Devarpan

Devarpan team constantly strives to serve the community and social causes. Part of our profits is donated to support organizations and individuals who promote Vedic culture.