Significance of Makar Sankranti in Sanatan Hindu Dharma (and Recommendations)

by | Jan 10, 2023 | Special Festivals, Featured, Full Width

Soorya Dev (Sun God) has been given great importance in Sanatan Shastras and Indian culture. Soorya Dev is our Vedic deity who is the lord of all the planets in our planetary system. Makar Sankranti, also known as Pongal and Maghi, is the special day of Soorya Narayan when the Hindu society from around the world offers Him their obeisance and prays to him in gratitude. Makar Sankranti is the beginning of a revolution in nature. From this day, not only does the divine transformation begin in the natural environment, but there is real joy felt within our lives.

सूर्य आत्मा जगत:

Meaning: Soorya Dev is the soul of the entire creation.

In astrology, the Sun is considered to be of the utmost importance in calculations. There are 12 Rashis (Zodiac signs) named Aries (Mesha), Taurus (Vrishabha), Gemini (Mithun), Cancer (Karka), Leo (Simha/Sinh), Virgo (Kanya), Libra (Tula), Scorpio (Vruschika), Sagittarius (Dhanu), Capricorn (Makar), Aquarius (Kumbha), and Pisces (Meena). Soorya Dev stays in each one of these Rashis for a month and then moves into the next. When the rotation of all the 12 Zodiac signs ends, a year ends, according to the Hindu Panchang.

According to the detailed science of time calculation as described in Indian scriptures, when the Sun God enters Capricorn (Makar Rashi), the next six months are the month of Uttarayana when Soorya Dev is facing Uttara (North) direction. Likewise, when the Sun God enters Cancer (Karka Rashi), the next six months fall under Dakshinayana when Soorya Dev faces Dakshin (South).

Importance of Uttarayana

During the timeframe of Uttarayana, the days are longer than nights, the sky is clear, and the sun’s rays are clear, intense, and straight. Therefore, this time has been considered an excellent time for the development of nature, as evident everywhere. If you look around you, you can see that nature begins warming up after Makar Sankranti slowly, and the beautiful colors begin to show up when Vasant (Spring season) arrives. The period of Uttarayana is therefore considered auspicious.

उत्तरम् अयनम् अतीत्य व्यावृत्तः क्षेम सस्य वृद्धिकरः

Meaning: The Sun of Uttarayana increases welfare and growth of grains.

The Meaning of Makar Sankranti

When Sun enters from one Zodiac sign to another, that auspicious time is called Sankranti. Although there is Sankranti every month and every Sankranti is important, when the Sun enters Capricorn (Makar Rashi), the festival of Makar Sankranti is celebrated. The same festival is celebrated by different names in different regions of India, such as Pongal and Maghi, Uttarayan, etc.

Sanatan Sanskriti emphasizes the worship of Soorya Dev and Agni (fire). Hence, it is the duty of every Sanatani to perform Yagya and worship Soorya Dev. Manu, the founder of the human religion, has said that the oblation we offer using ‘Swaha’ in the fire is received by the Soorya Dev. He accepts it and gives it back to us in the form of rain, from which food is produced and society flourishes:

अग्नौ प्रास्ताहुतिः सम्यक् आदित्यमुपतिष्ठते ।
आदित्यात् जायते वृष्टिः ततः अन्नम् ततः प्रजाः ॥

Shri Krishna says in the 14th Shloka of the 3rd chapter of the Bhagavad Gita that all people depend on food and food is generated from rain; rain is caused by performing Yagya, and Yagya is accomplished by performing prescribed actions.

अन्नाद्भवन्ति भूतानि पर्जन्यादन्नसम्भवः ।
यज्ञाद्भवति पर्जन्यो यज्ञः कर्मसमुद्भवः ॥

In the above verse, Shri Krishna doesn’t say that Yagya is performed only by doing Havan (or fire sacrifices). Instead, he says that Yagya can also be performed by doing the prescribed duties (here, the prescription is based on the Shastras, according to Sanatan Dharma and its principles). However, from Puranik knowledge and the rules of Karmakanda, we know that Havan is the central tool of performing every Yagya and Anusthaan as prescribed by Vedas and as shown in many Puranas. Therefore, without getting into the philosophy of what constitutes a Yagya as per the above verse from Bhagavad Gita, we can easily understand that if one is performing any fire oblation using mantras and stotras from Vedas or Tantra, that certainly qualifies as Yagya.

Therefore, it’s considered very auspicious during Makar Sankranti to perform Havan or Yagya anushthaan. It is also considered a very auspicious day for marriage and other ceremonies.



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What to do on Makar Sankranti Day

Although Puja Path is recommended to be part of one’s daily routine, Makar Sankranti-like days come once a year. Therefore days like these should never be wasted doing mundane activities. Instead, this day should be used to perform special Puja, special anushthaan, or Yagya, as this day multiplies the effect/results of any spiritual activity performed on this day. As an example, think of shopping. We can spend money in the shopping mall on any day of the year and buy things. But spending the same amount on special sale days can get you many more things because massive sales increase the buying power of the same money. Similarly, days like Makar Sankranti increases the power of your prayer/anushthaan/Yagya increases on this day many times over.

Bathing in Holy Rivers

Taking a bath in Holy Rivers such as Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada, Sarasvati, Kaveri, etc. is considered very auspicious on this day. If you cannot dip in the river because of any circumstance/situation, you should put a few drops of Ganga Jal in your bath water, pray to Ganga, and shower with it. It is said that doing so brings the same blessing as going to the river and taking a dip in the real river. Its infallible fruit is described in the scriptures.

Donations on Makar Sankranti

Although donation is one of the most auspicious things one can do in this age of Kali anyway, one should donate clothes, grains, utensils, sesame seeds, Ghee, Jaggery, on this day gold, horses, cows, or cattle. It is believed that donations given on this occasion are returned a hundredfold. Donation of pure Ghee (Vedic Ghee) and blanket on this day is considered to be securing Moksha to the one who donates, as it is clear from the following Shloka:

माघ मासे महादेवः यो दास्यति घृत कंबलम्।
स भुवत्वा सकलान भोगान अंते मोक्ष् प्राप्ति।।

Deep-Daan on Makar Sankranti

This is an extraordinary day to do Deep-Daan of Sesame oil to Bhagavan Mahadev or Bhagavati Durga. As we all know, one Diya (Deepam)  made up of Pure Desi Cow Ghee (Vedic Ghee) is mandatory in every Puja. This recommendation doesn’t ask us to replace Ghee in that Diya (Deepam) with Sesame oil. Instead, it simply means you lit another Diya for Bhagavan Mahadev and offer it to Him. Or, if you want to perform a Deep-Daan for Bhagavati Durga, you also lit an additional one and offer it to her.

Shiva Abhishekam on Makar Sankranti

According to the Shastras, if one offers white Sesame seeds and a Deepam with Sesame oil in any Shivalaya or front of Shivalinga, they will have blessings of Mahadev forever, and Bhagavan Shiva will remove all poverty and obstacles from their life.

This special Abhishekam on the day of Makar Sankranti is considered one of the most potent weapons to remove acute problems from one’s life, such as health issues, major financial issues, or any other pain in life. According to the Sanatan Shastra (Shiva Purana, Dharma Sindhu, Nirnaya Sindhu, and even Shiva Rahashya talks about it), if somebody does Abhishekam of Bhagavan Shiva (Shivalinga) using Pure Desi Cow Ghee (Vedic Ghee) while reciting any of the Shiva Stotras such as Rudrashtakam, Mahamritunjaya Stotra created by Markandeya, Shiva Dwadasha Jyotirlinga Stotra, etc. You can choose any of these Stotras but use just Vedic Ghee as the Abhishekam material and reap the amazing benefit of this activity on Makar Sankranti.

Mantra/Stotra Anushthaan or Yagya on Makar Sankranti

On this auspicious day to worship Soorya Dev, after taking a bath, offering Arghya (water offering) to Soorya Dev should be done first, and then at least recite Aaditya Hridaya Stotra (from Valmiki Ramayana) three times or five times.

After that, it is recommended that during the entire Punya Kaal (or at least for the duration of Maha Punya Kaal), one should choose one Stotra or a mantra and either perform chanting or perform Havan. Here are some of the best recommendations in Stotras:

Shri Aaditya Hridaya StotraThis stotra is said to be the most powerful one for anyone looking to be victorious in life’s challenges. Recommended number of recitations is 108 if you can. If you can’t recite those many times, you can do it 51 times or 21 times, or even 11 times.

Shri Ram Raksha Stotra – This is one of the most famous and most potent Stotra that has generated positive results for many thousands of people and therefore, many Aacharyas recommend Shri Ram Raksha Stotra for the one who is a Vaishnava and who is looking to gain the blessings of Shri Ram along with Lakshman, Sita, and Hanuman, all at once. Recommended recitation of this Stotra is 1008 to harness its power. Makar Sankranti can be an ideal time to do so, considering that it is a short stotra with only about 5 or 6 Shlokas.

Shri Bajarang Baan or Shri Hanuman Chalisa – Both are powerful and can get Bajarang Bali’s attention. All you need to do is do 100 recitations of either one of these on Makar Sankranti, which is very much doable.

Shri Suktam – The most potent Stotra of Bhagavati Lakshmi, is also highly recommended for this day. If you are doing it for the first time, you can do 16 recitations of the Stotra or do Abhishekam of Shri Yantra using it. But if you are comfortable with it, you can recite it 120 times, also known as ‘Laghu Anushthaan.’ A great stotra if you seek blessings of Lakshmi and want to attract wealth.

Shri Kanakadhara Stotra – Created by Aadiguru Shankaracharya, the Shri Kanakadhara Stotra is ‘Swayam Siddha’ stotra of Bhagavati Lakshmi and is considered to produce rapid results in the life of those who recite it daily. Performing 21 or 11 recitations of this stotra is also considered very auspicious on the day of Makar Sankranti if you prefer to seek divine intervention in resolving money issues.


For Mantra Saadhna, in case you prefer to perform Japa as opposed to reciting Stotras, you can choose any mantra of your Ishta Devata (or Devi) such as Navarn Mantra, Ganapati Mantra, Soorya Mantra, Gayatri Mantra, etc. However, if you have Diksha of a Guru Mantra, you should only chant that because, for such a person, there is nothing more potent than chanting the Guru Mantra.

What about Fasting on Makar Sankranti?

It is recommended that one should fast until the end of Maha Punya Kaal (or Kaalam) or extend the fast till the end of the Anushthan or Yagya (whichever comes last) and only then break the fast.

Eating Til (Sesame seeds) made items on this day brings auspiciousness in one’s life. Hence, on the day of Makar Sankranti, one should try to consume some things made up of Til (Sesame seeds).


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