Aasana for Saadhna – Which Aasana is Good for Daily Puja Paath

Dec 30, 2022 | Samagri Discussion

Aasana is one of the must-have items for any kind of Saadhna (any spiritual practice). You should never just sit directly on the bare floor while performing spiritual practices as it dissipates all of your energy, sending it out and about, here and there, and grounding it downward into the earth. Sitting on the bare floor yields the exact opposite results than what we are intending.

What to Avoid – Which Aasana To NOT Use in Daily Puja, Mantra Japa or Saadhna

According to the Shastras, doing Puja on the bare floor and mantra chanting causes more sorrow for the Saadhaka.

Chanting while sitting on Aasana made up of Bamboo brings poverty.

Chanting while sitting on Aasana of stone brings diseases.

Chanting while sitting on Trinaasana (Aasana made up of weeds etc.) causes destruction of name-fame (यश-कीर्ति) for the Saadhaka.

Chanting while sitting on Aasana made up of leaves brings restlessness and worries for the Saadhaka.

Type of Aasan Should One Use in Puja Paath, Mantra Japa, Saadhna?

According to Yagyavalkyasmriti, following is the verse explaining what kind of Aasana one should use in Puja, Saadhana:

कौशेयं कम्बलं चैव अजिनं पट्टमेव च।
दारुजं तालपत्रं वा आसनं परिकल्पयेत्।।

Based on this Shloka, it is recommended that Resham (Silk), Kambal (Woolen Blanket), Mreeg Charm (or Dear Skin) or Kaashth (Wood) or Taalpatra (Palm leaves) are the best materia.ls for an Aasana to be used in all pious activities.

Another reference Shloka found in Sanatan Shastras says this about Aasana:

शमी कश्मरीशल्लः कदंबो वरणस्तथा।
पन्चासनानि शस्तानि श्राद्धे देवर्चने तथा।।

This verse goes on the indicate that the Aasana can be also prepared using the trees of Shami, ShriParni, Kadamba, Kher and Kashmiri Shala. Aasana prepared using wood of these five type of trees is the best for doing Devarchana (Puja Paath) and Shraaddh (Last rituals etc.)

Aasana Recommendation – Based on Type of Desire of the Saadhka

Aasana of Vyaghra Charm (Tiger skin) is recommended for gaining all types of Siddhis. It’s important to note that killing any animal for making an Aasana is prohibited in Sanatan Shastras. Therefore the animal must have died a natural death for such Aasana to be useful for Saadhna.

Mreeg Charm (Dear skin) is recommended for the purpose of Gyaan Siddhi, Mantra Siddhi, Vashikaran (spell etc.).

Aasana made up of cloths (such as Silk) is recommended for Aarogya (if the purpose is elimination of diseases)

Kambal Aasan (blanket) is recommended for Shaanti (Peace Anushthaan) such as Navagraha Shanti, House Warming, Vaastu Shanti etc.

Gaja Charm (Elephant skin) is recommended as Aasana for Stambhan (astriction).

Mahishaasan (Aasana of Buffalo skin) is used in Maaran kriya.

Mesh Charm (Sheep skin) Aasan is used when doing Uchchaatan kriya.

Darbhaasana – The Universal Best Aasana – Kusha Aasana

Out of all the Aasana discussed, here is one Aasana which is considered the best since it is said to have the Guna (properties) of all Aasanas. It is one Aasana which is fit for any kind of Puja Paath or Saadhna. Here is a Shloka explaining that from Shastras:

काम्यार्थ कम्बलम् चैव श्रेष्ठं च रक्तचन्दनम्।
कुशासने मन्त्र सिद्धिर्नात्र कार्य विचारणा।।
कुशासनं पुष्टिकरं कम्बलम् दुःख मोचनं।
सर्वभावे त्वसानार्थं कुशविष्टरमिष्यते।।

Kusha or Darbha is said to be originated from Bhagavan Vishnu and therefore, it is considered the best Aasana for all purposes. In the current world that we live in, we cannot really trust anyone selling Aasanas made up of animal skins because if an animal was killed to make that Aasana, such an Aasana is useless for any spiritual progress. Therefore, our recommended is to use Kusha Aasana for all purposes as the verse above indicates. It is Satvik, it is safe and it is supported by Sanatan Shastras.

Regarding Kambal (Blanket) as Aasana – Recommendations

Kambal (or Blanket) is also considered very auspicious for Puja Paath and Saadhna. Many Saadhka use Blanket on top of a Kushaa Aasana as an additional layer for comfort as well. However, if you get a Red or Yellow blanket as Aasana, that is considered the best color for blanket based Aasana.

In cases where you do not have a Blanket or a Kusha (Darbha) Aasana, it’s okay to use Silk cloth as the Aasana. The Aasana, however, must he rectangular in shape.

You can shop for Aasanas in Devarpan Shop and get your favorite Aasana if you don’t have one already.



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