Aahuti Mudra for Havan/Hawan – Based on Type of Yagya

Dec 29, 2022 | Puja Guidance

While performing Havan during any Anusthaan, Saadhna, or Puja ritual at home, most people know that when you do ‘Swaaha’, Aahuti is offered to the Yagya Narayan Devata in the form of Ghee, or Yagya Saamagri prepared for doing the particular Havan.

But most people do not know or pay attention to how you offer that Saamagri into the fire. So our goal is to provide correct guidance regarding the Mudra you need to have while saying ‘Swaaha’ and offering the Aahuti into the Havan Agni.

Essentially, there are three Mudras to offer Havan Samagri (Aahuti) to the Agni Narayan (Yagya Devata) during Havan:

mrigi-mudra for Havan or Yagya

मृगीमुद्रा (Mreegi Mudra or Dear Mudra)  – This Mudra is built using Thumb + Middle finger + Ring finger (Always use the right hand for offering Aahuti). This makes the overall design of your hand look like a dear’s head.


Hansi mudra for Havan or Yagya Aahuti

हंसीमुद्रा (Hansi Mudra or Swan Mudra)- This Mudra is built using Thumb + Middle finger + Ring finger.+ Little finger ( (Always use the right hand for offering Aahuti). This makes the overall design of your hand look like a swan’s head.

sookari-mudra-havan-yagyaसुकरीमुद्रा (Sukari Mudra or Swine Mudra) – This mudra is built using all five fingers of your right hand.




According to the Sanatan Shastras, here is a verse about importance of these Mudras:

होमे मुद्रा स्मृता तिस्त्रौ मृगी हंसी च सूकरी ।
मुद्रा विना कृतौ होमः सर्वो भवति निष्फलः ।।

Based on this Shloka, we can clearly deduce that these are the only three Mudras available for Havan/Yagya, and those who ignore the Mudra while offering the Aahuti are just wasting their time. Therefore, their Yagya will become ‘Nishphala’ (Useless).

Mudra Selection Based on The Type of Havan/Yagya

Again, we rely on the Shastra to guide us in selection of the Mudra. Sanatan Shastras have to say this about this process:

शांति के तु मृगी ज्ञेया हंसी पौष्टिक कर्मणि
सूकरी त्वभिचारे तु कार्य तत्र विदुत्तमैः

This verse tells us that for any Shaanti Karma (such as Navagraha Shanti, Anushthaan for Lakshmi, Mantra Saadhna, or any Puja/Upaasana for peace, wealth, and progress), one should use the Mrigi Mudra.

For Poushtik Karma (Havan or Yagya performed with the intention of Aarogya or health benefits should be performed in Hansi Mudra.

The Sookari Mudra is to be used only in Abhichaar Karma (Antyesthi Sanskara Havan or Yagyas). That means, while performing the last rites for those who have passed on or any Pitree Yagya, Sookari Mudrshouldld be used for Aahuti. This has been mentioned in Parasuramakaarika.

Conclusion for Attention

One must pay attention to the Mudra he/she is using while offering Aahuti to Yagya Narayan Devata because a wrong Mudra can be a waste of time and energy. In the end, he/she will be frustrated knowing that all this effort is useless because it did not produce any results. So why not pay attention to the little details and perform our Puja perfectly in perfect knowledge so we can reap perfect results?


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