The Best Days for Any Havan/Yagya – Poornima and Amawasya

Dec 29, 2022 | Puja Guidance

Havan has a purifying effect on the devotee who performs this sacrifice and one’s environment. Through the chanting of mantras and offerings into the fire, one’s chakras are re-energized, creating a revitalized and rejuvenating effect for both the body and mind. Therefore, Havan is an essential aspect of completing any Anushthaan or Saadhna. Havan is one of the ten positive virtues prescribed for the devotee whose aspiration is to draw closer to the Divine, ultimately acquiring Oneness with Him. It is also one way of performing Deva Yagya, one of man’s five daily duties, according to the tenets of Sanatan Dharma.

But one cannot perform Havan daily due to several reasons. And then the natural question is if we can do Havan only once or twice a month, when should we do it?

This post is to answer that question for the Saadhkas and Grihasthas.

According to Bhagavan Mahadev in Rudrayamala Tantra, the Shloka (verse) below has a clear direction:

दर्ष च पूर्णमाषं च ये यजन्ति द्विजातयः।
नतेषं पुनरावृत्ति ब्रह्मलोकात्रो कदाच।।

According to this Bhagavan Mahadev, those who do any Hawan/Havan or Yagya/Yagna on Amavasya (New Moon Day) and Poornima (Full Moon Day) when they depart this Loka will go to Brahmaloka; of this, there is no doubt.

Therefore, regardless of who is ones Ishta Devata. Regardless of which mantra or Shloka one wants to do Havan with. Amavasya and Poornima are the best two days of the month to perform Yagya/Havan. If one can do only one day a month, choose Poornima. If one can perform Yagya on both of these days, this is the best thing to do, according to the Sanatan Shastras.




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