Glories of Bilva Patra (Beil Patra/Beil Leaves) in Sanatan Scriptures

Dec 27, 2022 | Featured, Samagri Discussion

Bilva Patra which is also known as BelPatra (or Beil Leaves, Bilva Leaves etc.),  is offered to Lord Shiva to please Him. Bhagavati Lakshmi is also offered BilvaPatra on occasions.

Offering Bilva Patra has special significance in the worship of Lord Shiva as mentioned in Shastras as below:

अमृतोद्भव श्रीवृक्ष महादेवप्रियः सदा महादेवस्य च प्रियं

त्रिजन्मपाप संहारं एक बिल्वाशिवार्पणं

As the verse says, just by offering one Bilva Patra to Lord Shiva, sins worth three lifetimes get destroyed.

A Little About Bilva Patra Types

There are four types of Bilva Patra as described:

First Type of Bilva Patra – Akhand Bilva Patra.

“Akhand Bilvapatra” is as much valuable as Ek Mukhi Rudraksha. Akhand Bilvapatra is considered miraculous because it itself has been considered as the form of Bhagavati Lakshmi and therefore it never gets stale. After washing with Gangajal, it can be offered to Lord Shiva again and again because Lakshmi ji herself resides in it.

Second Type of Bilva Patra – Tripatra ( Bilva Patra with three leaves)

As written in Bilvashtakam:

“त्रिदलं त्रिगुणाकारं त्रिनेत्रं च त्रयायुधं”

These Bilvapatra destroy the sins of three births. This is the most commonly available Bilva Patra as well.

The Third Type of Bilva Patra –  Bilva Patra with six to twenty one leaves

Just as there are Rudraksha with many faces, there are Bilvapatra with many leaves. But it is believed that it is available only in the nearby areas of Nepal.  Such Bilva Patras (Beil Leaves) are rare. But they are known for removing Durbhagya (Bad Luck remover).

The Fourth Type is White Bilva Patra.

It is said to be so rare that one can only find one if his/her virtues of crores of births are accumulated at once. The one who gets such Bilva Patra is to be considered divine. to be
Just as white Durva is dear to Lord Ganesha but it is rare, white Bilva Patra is extremely rare but it is that much dear to Bhagavan Mahadev.

Where to get Beil Patra or Bilva Patra or Beil Leaves?

You can head over to the Devarpan Shop to buy Bilva Patra.


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