How to Identify A Real, Natural Shankh or Chonch Shell

Dec 28, 2022 | Samagri Discussion

This is a common question when we are shopping for Shankh for using it during daily Aarti or when we are shopping for Dakshinawarti Shankh for keeping it in our home temple. But with so much of fake, manufactured Shankh being sold around us, how do we know what we are buying is a real, natural Shankh or is an artificially manufactured one?

Based on the scriptures, and testing methods developed over a period of thousands of years known in Bharat, below are some of the time-tested formulas for getting your answer.

1. Keep the Shankh Submerged under Water for 7 to 10 Days

If a Shankh is kept submerged in water for about 10 days, a fake one will crack or even break in parts while a natural, real Shankh will stay AS IS. Nothing will happen to a real Shankh under water no matter how many days it stays that way.

2. Keep the Shankh Submerged in Cold Water for Three Days, Then in Hot Water for Three Days

This is another way to test if the Shankh is real. The real Shankh will not have any impact of this exercise. It will stay AS IS at the end of the 6th day also. The fake ones will break or crack.

3. Keep the Shankh Close to Ears and Listen for Water Wave Sound or Omkar Sound

This one is the oldest and the most trusted method of choosing a real Shankh. When you keep the Shankh near your ear and pay attention, you will hear a light sound of water waves and possibly a sound similar to ‘Om’. If you are able to hear either of these two sounds, know that you got your hands on the best real Shankh. It is said that if the sound is not coming, possibly the Shankh is fake, or it has some holes in it which ensures that you can’t hear any sound.

Final Notes About Shankh Testing

Although the above testing methods are age old and help choose a good Shankh. But as the world of scammers also gets smart and they also know these testing methods, now the newly manufactured fake Shankhas are also made in such a way that they will pass these tests.

Therefore, if you want to be absolutely sure about identifying a good, real and natural Shankh for your home temple, it’s important that you consult a knowledgeable and experience person who can help you identify this for you. Do not trust these testing methods alone all by yourself. Fraudsters are everywhere!


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