What is a Pure Panchgavya? How to Make it?

Dec 27, 2022 | Samagri Making

Panchgavya has great importance in the Vedic system. It has also been considered very important from the scientific and Aayurvedic point of view which has been found to help cure many diseases.
Panchgavya is not only used in Puja and Dharmik Anushthaan, it is also used for body purification and purification of the places, homes, offices etc.
Many Ayurvedic medicines are prepared with Panchgavya as well.

What is Panchgavya?

According to Brahmarishi Vashishtha, Panchgavya is defined in this Shloka:


The Shloka means Panchgavya is made by mixing the following five items:

Panchgavya = Cows urine + Cow dung + Cow Milk (Indian Cow) + Cow Yogurt (made of Indian cow’s milk) + Kushodak (enchanted water with Darbha grass)

How to make Panchgavya (According to Agnipurana)


According to Agnipurana, as shown in the verses in their Hindi meaning in the above image, the process to prepare Panchgavya is described below:

Kapila cow‘s urine in Panchagavya, a cup of cow dung equal to half of the thumb, mix seven drops of milk, two drops of curd, one drop of ghee, one drop of Kusha water. Also, recite Gayatri Mantra while mixing these items together to make Panchgavya if you are not aware of the actual all the individual mantras while mixing each one of these items. The important point to note here is that Panchgavya, according to Agnipurana is made using Kapila cow’s milk, Gobar and urine only, not with any other cow.

Who are the Devatas of Panchgavya?

There are five items mixed while  making Panchgavya. So, what are the five dieties or Devatas in Panchgavya according to Sanatan Hindu Dharma?

Here is the answer:

  • Lord Varuna is the deity of cow urine.

  • Moon is the deity of milk.

  • Agni Narayan is the deity of cow dung.

  • Surya is the deity of ghee.

  • The deity of water is Lord Narayan.

  • The deity of Kusha is Brahma.

Make it Yourself or Buy Pure Panchgavya from Devarpan Shop

As long as you can get hold of Kapila cow’https://www.devarpan.com/shop/s urine, milk, yogurt, ghee and gobar, you can make a pure, perfect Panchgavya yourself. But if you can’t trust anyone else and not able to make it yourself, you should buy Panchgavya from Devarpan shop. We ensure that the Panchgavya we sell is made using the strict method as prescribed in Shastras and for that, we procure items as described above. Buy from us for a peace of mind.


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